Lessons from Overcoming a Global Pandemic: Our Weaknesses Examined

Lessons from Overcoming a Global Pandemic: Our Weaknesses Examined

January 7, 2022

Don’t we all wish that things never change? It is because familiar territory is safe, and it takes a lot of mental and physical energy transitioning to new things. Even the most experienced person can relate to this. A life crisis brings uncertainty, stress, and fear and of course unwanted change. We fear unknown outcomes.

A crisis also brings out the worst and best in people. During this pandemic we can see both. The best is what we have seen, people pulling together raising money or helping others in their time of need. Helping small businesses and buying locally. Following guidelines to keep themselves and others safe. The worst relates to those who are disrupting change with misinformation or complaining about the state of things, not following guidelines about gatherings in order to protect those that are vulnerable.

It is not only difficult, but it is harder if you have the wrong guidance, the wrong beliefs. We need to meet the truth right in the middle with caution of whom is giving it out and, in a sense, understand that the totality of an issue like a virus spreading at a large scale also brings greed from many players for their enrichment and capable of detrimentally impacting our society. But when in doubt, always go with safety measures, not fear, with caution but open to accept information from those with knowledge. Remember in the end the truth will rise above, it cannot be silenced or hidden forever.

Human Race is here for a reason, we are born into this life to play a role at this precise lifetime and circumstances and family. A soul contract that perhaps we need to live through several negative experiences to reach a state of purity. Human race has gone through different crises that became imminent for the purpose of and to be awaken at the global level and become who we were meant to be, a tribe of humans pulling together in community, living experiences that enhance our physical and spiritual assets. We need to advance in seeking what is truer. Although truth is very personal, there is a need to find balance and seek what is true for all and not for a few. Global truth goes along with our individual truth, if it is in opposition, then there is no harmony. At the same time what we are seeking has been and was with us all along buried within our consciousness. We just parted from that origin and miscalculated our real purpose of existing. Why? It is a complicated answer. Humans have a soul (intangible) and a physical body (tangible) to be able to carry out experiences. The Ego which primordially is the part of the conscious-self that keeps us alive experiencing this “life story” in the body is what teaches us emotions and pleasures, judgement, and prejudice. The spirit has none of that. No matter what religion you practice you will notice that the themes are all the same. It is a battle between the good and bad where you are presented with two choices and based on your moral compass you will choose accordingly.

To seek the truth today is by far great hard work as we are given information feed to us without effort of investigating its realness and now more difficult than ever on the internet creating algorithmic formulas to enhance and repeat similar sources of information, whether it is good or bad. Of course, we need to focus on how we feel and how our bodies speak to us, we would know better about truth. If you feel fear and worriment, then you need to examine the source of that information. We are intelligent beings that need to use empirical and investigating tools to test information and where it is coming from. We are equipped with tools in our bodies that help detect deception and we must not let the mind take over the game.

It is undeniable that our souls are being taught lessons for spiritual growth. Karmic lessons that if not learned seems like we are bound to re-enter a new life with similar events and people. The further we get away from childhood and if we do not recognize it, the further we are from our purpose. It is not something that we think about purposely. Life experiences seem like a coordination of events seeking change in our human interaction and the total of these experiences will provoke change. Perhaps, it is what we trace ourselves to do before we came to play our character in this lifetime. Unfortunately, once we are “here” we forget what our mission was. But if we knew the answers and solutions there would not be the challenge we need. The simplest reason is that we came here (earth) to be joyful and be ourselves, and to celebrate our humanity with others. To give our talents and knowledge to others in service. Happiness is our undeniable right. You came to be yourself. Remember that the person you were and the person you are at this moment, had to go through a metamorphosis and adapted to many changes because of experiences lived throughout the years whether these were good, bad, or worst. They molded the person you are right now. How we keep that in mind while coming across different critical or negative events is no small task, but we know we can do it instinctively.

If we follow world history, we know that is cyclical and that we are bound to repeat events to see if we have finally learned past experiences from this or previous lifetimes. Have we learned about global warming, environmental disasters caused by humans, diseases and health problems caused by processed foods, as well as mental health issues, catastrophic accidents, wars, pandemics, terrorism, dictatorships, globalism, autocrats, capitalism, and many other things that affected large groups of people causing socio-economic or race disadvantage in countries or even spread out through the entire world? I think we should by now. How we prevent repetition? I believe it requires self-control, discipline, empathy, and the encouragement to see change once and for all. This is not for one person, a hero. This is a responsibility for all of us. Please, do not seat on the sidelines looking in, play your part and advance humanity to improve and change paths in history. We would be a lot closer to peace in the world in we understand that feelings like anger, hatred, jealousy, selfishness is only amplifying the same culture of despair. Let us promote good in the world and be the agents of change. This is when we understand that change in the end, is good.

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