A New Meaning for the Holidays

A New Meaning for the Holidays

At my age, the years of the innocence about Santa Claus, going to Church activities, having long Christmas vacations from school and the gift exchanges were so exciting and the memories I hold are absolutely inspiring me as a child and as a parent. It had a magical tone to it, and it held a positive power on mental and emotional states. Traditions are what create a veil of hope, of faith in the values we hold. Being together celebrating also creates an energy of positivity that is real and creates more feelings of wellness. Make no mistake, this is what creates unity and goodwill. Hence why we celebrate the many moments of our lives that come with every stage. We celebrate with family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, business connections accomplishments and timeliness of our life. When we go to the towns lighting or winter celebrations the same thing happens our energy is blended with those others in inspiration and happiness. This pandemic has made it difficult for it to happen but amazingly people still get together through the magic of technology. Now that the pandemic is near its end. Our behaviors have changed a bit, but we yearn for that togetherness of the past. It is in part that we give a lot of meaning to our faith, emotions and belief systems and hence traditions and celebrations have an incredible effect on humans that goes beyond what we can see with our naked eye.

Being the social entities that we are is for a reason. Spirits do not have skin, race, and much less financial status. Outside of our skin we are all the same. A ball of energy traveling through the ethers. As we travel our energies collide and we embrace each other almost effortlessly.

As we enter a new life, we define our roles and our history here on earth, but for our human nature and protection our past life memories are filtered out. We do receive guidance in dreams and subtle serendipities, but we are left to learn to navigate through difficulties and experiences that will enhance and purify our soul progression. It will never be easy. If it was easy, then there would not be a reason to be.

The holidays are a time for spiritual enhancement and no matter what you celebrate at the end of the year it has traditions that bring our families together. That creates bonds of joy and happiness and its energy spreads to the rest of the world. We don’t know it or feel it, but it does. It also helps the energy of our earth. Remember that we are all part of a higher consciousness, everything on earth is consciousness. That is why is good to have traditions and celebrations in every season. Our own survival depends on it and the good energy returns to earth while earth gives it back with our beloved nature.

This holiday season, instead of fighting with your in-laws, friends, neighbors or family or co-workers remember that your very existence depends on your unity, to have goodwill and hope and faith for the future. Not only for holidays, but all year round.  

As humans on this earth, we don’t want to see people dying of hunger, homelessness, victims of war and violence of any kind. We don’t want to see social inequality; we will refuse social injustice against anyone no matter the color of their skin. We won’t accept people working on wages where they can’t afford a decent lifestyle. Part of these social issues are in a nutshell causing diseases and mental health issues including addictions.  

How we overcome prejudices is not difficult. Detach from anything in social media that is accusatory, demeaning or fearmongering. Also, remember that we have the power to project and manifest our future. If all you see on digital media is negative, that is infiltrating your mind, then more of that is coming into our future. If you do keep that in mind and use a positive worded mantra every day, that you wish to see this a better world and the world to be at peace and prosperous, that is what we will create. Why? Because every time in union with others you have positive thoughts, you are transmitting those wishes to the universe or God and is listening and will deliver that wish through the energy and vibration that each one of us emits through our thoughts. We must remind ourselves of our capacity to create with intention. If we do, we can see a better world ahead of us.  

Happy New Year!

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